My Online Peri & Menopause Fitness prgrammes 


This is the first of its kind. Kathryn is a Qualified Peri Meno & Meno fitness specialist.

 A online fitness programme designed to help you get stronger in midlife. With health at the forefront. Helping combat bone loss & decline in muscle mass. 

Join Kat as she coaches you through her resistance training workouts, motivates you and gives you key advice to help with your menopause transistion and talks you through positive nutrition. Simply hit the link and start today


7 Day Beginner 

This is a 7 day beginner programme to just focus on getting you moving.  Kickstart your strength & fitness journey with a week only commitment.

Perfect for you if your struggling with menopause symptoms , fatigue or simply if you have not exercised for a long time.

This 7 day is designed to create those small habits that make you feel better and more energised. 

Simply click the link below.